(Print Edition) China: An International Journal Volume 17, Number 4 (November 2019)

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Online version available on Project MUSE.


Special Issue on China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Challenges and Global Effects Guest Editors: CHEN Gang and Ryan HO

Introduction: Reassessing China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): Motives, Pushbacks and Adjustments by CHEN Gang and Ryan HO

Reflections on the Belt and Road Initiative by YU Hong

The Belt and Road Initiative in Southeast Asia and Responses from ASEAN Countries by KONG Tuan Yuen

Singapore–China Connectivity and its Role in the Belt and Road Initiative by Sarah CHAN

The Belt and Road Initiative and China’s Trade Development by Sarah Y. TONG and ZHENG Yi

The Overland Silk Road: China’s Energy Cooperation with Central Asia in the Context Of Industry Competition by Serik ORAZGALIYEV

European Perspectives on the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative by Erik BAARK

No Losers? The BRI Factor in the China–EU Relationship by Giuseppe GABUSI


Localist Groups and Populist Radical Regionalism in Hong Kong by NG Hoi-Yu and Kerry J. KENNEDY

Treaties in the Chinese Legal Order: Discourses, Developments and Debates by ZHU Lijiang

Intermediate Agents in the Resistance Process: Petition Brokers and Social Governance in Contemporary China by TSAI Wen-Hsuan, LIAO Xingmiu and CHEN Chien-Min


Chronology of Events: July 2019 to September 2019 compiled by CHEN Juan

Important Documents: July 2019 to September 2019 compiled by CHEN Juan