China's Post-Jiang Leadership Succession - Problems and Perspectives

$84.00 SGD

Edited by Zheng Yongnian and John Wong

The lack of institutionalization around China's leadership succession was brought into focus again in the run-up to the 16th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. Old fashioned China-watching was back, as analysts sought to read the tea leaves and predict the final leadership line-up.

The essays in this volume take a more analytical approach. The book first looks at the political structures of leadership transition in China, and secondly, seeks to understand the real and potential problems that China's younger, fourth-generation leaders will have to grapple with as they take over the reigns of power.

Publication Year: 2002
414 pages, 234mm x 158mm
ISBN: 978-9812-38-187-3, Hardback

NUS Press & World Scientific