China: An International Journal

China: An International Journal is an internationally refereed journal published by NUS Press, on behalf of the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore. It comes out four times a year, every February, May, August and November.

For Potential Authors

EAI invites submission of theoretically- and empirically-based research articles (up to 10,000 words including footnotes and 100-word abstract) on contemporary China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, in the fields of politics, economics, society, geography, law, culture and international relations.  Review articles (10,000-word review, including footnotes, of three or more books on the same topic), and policy comments and research notes (1,000-5,000 words including footnotes and a 100-word abstract) are also welcome. Manuscripts oriented towards East Asian specialists are preferred, but pieces written for a wider audience will also be considered.

CIJ is indexed and abstracted in Social Sciences Citation Index®, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, Current Contents®/Social and Behavioral Sciences, International Bibliography of Social Sciences, Bibliography of Asian Studies and Econlit.

For more information, visit the journal homepage here and direct all editorial correspondence should be sent to:

The Editors
China: An International Journal
East Asian Institute
469A Tower Block #06-01
Bukit Timah Road, Singapore 259770
Tel: (65) 6779 1037
Fax: (65) 6779 3409

For readers

Online version available at Project MUSE

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