(Print Edition) China: An International Journal Volume 17, Number 3 (August 2019)
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Social Connections (Guanxi) and Judicial Decision-making in China by ZHAO Yanrong
Chinese Local Governments to be Held Responsible for Their Local Environment: New Law, Old Problems by HE Xiangbai
Why China’s Judiciary is Not That Important: Through the Lens of Regulating China’s Securities Markets
by HUANG Tao and HE Weiping
Unintended Consequences of Fiscal Decentralisation on the Rise of Non-Tax Funds in Transitional China
by TSAO Hai-tao and CHEN Yi
Alternative Globalisations and the Role of China’s Secondary Cities: Three Case Studies
by WANG Qianyi, LI Ran and CHEONG Kee-Cheok
It’s the Economy: Explaining Hong Kong’s Identity Change after 1997
by YIN Weiwen and ZHANG Youlang
The Effect of Political Ideology on Chinese College Students’ Attitudes towards Foreign and Domestic Affairs
by WANG Hongyu
Managing Asymmetry: Reexamining China–South Sudan Relations
by YAN Jian
Who Are We? Dynamics of Ethnic Identity among the Malimasa People of South-west China
by LI Zhinong, LAN Wensi and HE Jun
The Cadre Resignation Tide in the Wake of the 18th Party Congress by LI Lianjiang
Chronology of Events: April 2019 to June 2019 by CHEN Juan
Important Documents: April 2019 to June 2019 by CHEN Juan